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Jamela Breland 20201224_213300.


When I'm not helping to create brilliant minds in the classroom, I'm creating art for the soul. Education and the arts have become a part of my spiritual guidance to appreciate more of my purpose as it brings me peace. It has unleashed my mind to creative heights and has given me the power to overcome a lot. I invest more into my inner self rather than the outer shell, becoming deeper in my roots, where the value is me and what I can give to the community. This has truly opened the universe of possibilities to explore things that open mindsets and give endless thought. My hope is that my work of heART ignites conversation and speaks to individual meaningful visions of peace. As I continue to excel in my professions, my focus is to always be a work in progress so I may help others through my own willingness to continue learning and evolving.


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My mind, body and spirit is fueled with love, creativity and built on preserving my character through integrity. What appeared to be my flaws has created a fighter within and uncovered a confidence through my gifts and sweet, caring nature. My passion became purpose filled and evolved into many levels of creativity. By continuing to embrace my gifts, my encounters with others have sparked minds and influenced those throughout my journey. My goal is to build a different outlook in all my works and inspire from the smallest minds and make the wisest interested. Always, I am hard at work, showing the best of my abilities and sense of uniqueness that is very unpredictable.

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